Logbook Module 1
Strategic Alignment of FM companies with customers and sub-contractors
The directors of Global FM are all strategists. They will be able to advise FM companies on specific strategies with a variety of their clients to ensure the most appropriate service delivery plan is to be followed.
Ongoing evaluation of existing strategies with current clients can also be evaluated for an alternative best solution to be sought. This will ensure the retaining of clients, and therefore revenue.
Ongoing best practices will be suggested to the specific client, packaging it in the most creative and innovative method of service delivery. This will ensure a constant “thinking –out-of-the-box” method as well as the adding of new and interesting facilities management services to the specific sector in which the client finds itself. Having said the latter, the specific strategy will always be combined with a sound financial analysis based on the Return On Investment (ROI), the evaluation of the current Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as well as the proposed LCC if a different strategy is to be followed.
Global FM will also be able to assist FM companies to align and adjust its own strategy to ensure the maximum market within the industry. Innovative new services can be identified and perfected to offer to their clients. It is suggested that these services and strategies should also be considered to the market outside of South Africa.
It will be advisable that the training aspect of this collaboration should be considered in the strategic thought of FM companies.